Tab-Altering Hotkeys

November 19, 2018
These hotkeys allow you to manipulate the tabs you have open in Fishbowl, save them, or load different ones. This is a great way to quickly navigate around the software so you can get right where you need to be and go between modules in a heartbeat. Discover what is in the Fishbowl corporate brochure, Fishbowl BlogALT + Up/Left Arrow = Switch one tab to the left ALT + Down/Right Arrow = Switch one tab to the right ALT + Backspace/Delete or Middle Click = Close the current tab ALT + Forward Slash(/) = Return to the previous tab ALT + Comma = Save bookmarks ALT + T + B + S = Save bookmarks ALT + Period = Load bookmarks ALT + T + B + L = Load bookmarks ALT + T + B + C = Close current bookmark ALT + T + B + O = Close other bookmarks ALT + T + B + A = Close all bookmarks You will discover dozens of additional hotkeys in Fishbowl’s Documentation Wiki.