General (Order Line Items) Hotkeys

November 12, 2018
You can use these hotkeys when working with sales orders, purchase orders, transfers orders, and other types of orders in Fishbowl. Let’s go through them now: Reordering, receiving, and reconciling are much easier when you have more than a pen and paper, Fishbowl BlogCTRL + Shift + I = Insert the selected item CTRL + Shift + A = Add the selected item CTRL + Shift + E = Edit the selected item CTRL + Shift + F = Fulfill the selected item CTRL + Shift + X = Delete the selected item Delete Key = Delete the selected item CTRL + Shift + Up Arrow = Move the selected item up CTRL + Shift + Down Arrow = Move the selected item down If you would like to see the full list of hotkeys, visit Fishbowl’s Documentation Wiki.