The Bane of QuickBooks Users: The Ampersand (Infographic)

September 19, 2012
In the first Quick Tips for QuickBooks infographic, we shared some interesting statistics on which software versions and editions are most popular among QuickBooks users. This time we have a helpful tip you can use in QuickBooks to solve a common problem. I’ll bet you didn’t realize that the ampersand is the mortal enemy of QuickBooks login names. Check out the infographic below to see what I mean. You can click on it to share it with other QuickBooks users, as well. They’ll be glad you helped them avoid this potential pitfall. The Bane of QuickBooks Users: Using the ampersand with QuickBooks logins Learn more about Fishbowl’s Inventory Software that integrates with QuickBooks. This infographic was inspired by a post by blogger Shannon Tucker. You can read more of his insights into QuickBooks here: QuickBooks and Your Business.